Saturday, March 1, 2008

Denise Austin says: Get off the YO Yo

If you've lost weight before, only to have it return, you're not alone! But that doesn't mean you can't do it — don't give up yet! Maybe you just need to try a different way! Here's what other Fit Forever! members have to say about getting off the weight yo-yo for good:
This time I'm not thinking of it as a diet that will "end" once I reach my goal, but as a change I'm making for life!
I'm not going to let slipups become an excuse to abandon my whole exercise plan. I'll just get right back on the horse and keep going!
I'm working out every day this time, instead of just trying to starve myself.
Don't look back. The past is not the future! This time can be different!
I'm following the plan, but no longer making food and mealtime the focus of my life. I weigh in once a week, keep a journal, and take it one day at a time.
Posting on the Discussion Boards really helps me stay motivated! Together, we can do it!
I'm not going to let how far I have to go discourage me or become an excuse to quit. I'm sticking with it as long as it takes!
I remind myself that every day I'm one day closer to becoming a better, healthier self!

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