Tuesday, March 18, 2008

News from Denise Austin:

Wish your nails were stronger and healthier? Maybe you should start at the source — with some sound nail nutrition! Here's my recipe for naturally beautiful hands:

Make sure you're getting enough vitamin A, which fights dryness and brittleness in your nails. Good sources include dark green and yellow vegetables (such as broccoli, spinach, turnip greens, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin), yellow fruits (like cantaloupe and apricots), and such animal sources as liver, low-fat milk, and eggs.
Prevent those white bands across your nails with plenty of protein. To cut the fat and still meet your nutritional needs, choose lean sources like skinless white-meat chicken and turkey, or fish.
Be sure you're getting enough folic acid (a B vitamin), as it helps fight hangnails. You can find it in leafy green vegetables, asparagus, oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, melon, sunflower seeds, and beans, as well as folic acid supplements.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drinking lots of water every day not only helps you lose weight and feel full but helps your nails grow healthy and strong!

1 comment:

Aimeslee Winans said...

Glad you are making progress and love your cards on your other blog!

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