Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm Alive!

Wow a week of laying around.... I hate it. I am feeling better and today. I bought a new pedometer. Not sure how much walking I will get in, but it feels good to feeel good. I hope I will get back to my walking routine easily. Still a little short of breath, but no more meds after today. I am going to update my tracker for the last week. You all have gotten so far ahead of me. But like the Turtle on my tracker I will keep a steady pace and not give up. We are enjoying the beautiful change in the weather. I hope you all have a lovely day.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Welcome back Gail! Glad to hear that you are better. I just got over my cold too! I'm still a little tired but I feel a lot better compared to what I felt during the weekend!!


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