Monday, September 10, 2007


News to share.. We have moved the date for the Hawaii trip. We are going in Dec ('07) instead of Feb ('08). I am so excited. but that means I have a lot of work to do. I don't know how much weight I can lose by then but I am going to work really hard. We just returned from our trip to NY for the wedding of the daughter of the man who was best man at our wedding. It was a lot of traveling in Five days. 14 1/2 hours each way. We had a great time, but traveling is always hard on my diet, not to mention I have been really sick with a sinus cold. I lost my pedometer while I was there. So I am making an educated guess on the total miles I walked since I last reported. I am sure I am under estimating, but you can be sure I will be getting a new pedometer as soon as I can! I lost it on Friday and I already had over 5 miles on there so I doubled it for the 6 days. We are heading to SC tomorrow to pick up our dog. The oldest GS was dog sitting for us. We will get to watch his soccer practice while we are there. Just a quick trip. We will be back on Wed so I can do my volunteer work at Hospice. Busy week ahead. Hope you are all doing well.

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