Saturday, July 21, 2007

Something is weird with my pedometer

According to my pedometer I walked 6.7 miles and 8,933 steps. It doesn't make sense. How could 11,913 steps on Thursday only be 3.8 miles and today's 8,933 steps equal 6.7 steps. I think my pedometer is not too accurate. I will still record what it registers each day, but I think I need to get a new one.
I did walk at the park with my Dog. That was a 2 mile walk. I went grocery shopping but I don't think I walked 4 miles in the grocery store??
I drank over 64 oz of water and I recorded what I ate:
Breakfast 7:30 AM coffee and two mini muffins
Lunch 11 AM Macaroni Salad
snack 2 PM PB & J sandwhich and banana
dinner 5:30 grilled prok chop, Tomato and cucumbers, and French Fries (baked in the oven)
snack 7:30 yogurt and Blueberries.
Tha's it for today


Maria said...

Sounds like you're doing a lot of walking even if your peometer is wrong!

I noticed you ate pork chops for dinner. I made the Corriander Pork Chops recipe tonight and it was actually very delicious. Check out my recipe 4. . .you should try it out the next time you make pork chops!!

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday Gail!!


Tami Grandi said...

That dinner sounds wonderful! Being sick I haven't had any appetite so the fact it sounds so good is a good thing! Hope you get the pedometer thing figured out.

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