Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day 4 and 5 update

The SB diet is going really well. The hardest thing I have done is switch to decaf. I have been so sleepy for the past several days. It doesn't help that it has been rainy and a bit gloomy here. I am sleeping much better since I have laid off the carbs (especially all those I use to eat in the evening). I went to Curves on Monday as planned but didn't get out for the extra walking in the park. No real excuse, just didn't do it. Today is a Curves day and I may try to get that walk I missed yesterday in too. I have been reading another diet book called "The Hollywood Trainer Weight Loss Plan" I picked it up at the library this week.I liked the the idea that it talks about ; 21 days to Make Healthy Living a Lifetime Habit. and 7 simple steps to shed the Fat and Keep it Off -for Good! Here are the seven simple steps:
1. Accept the need to change.
2. Make an essential mind-body-spirit connection.
3. Exercises: Start an effective program tailored to your needs and goals.
4. Nutrition: Learn to eat as though your life depends on it-because it does!
5. Educate yourself, because knowledge can be converted to weight loss, longevity, and a better quality of life.
6.Commit to be consistent, for excellence is not a single act but a habit you'll have for a lifetime.
7. Create a supportive environment with the people and the space that will encourage and inspire you on your journey.

Food for thought everyone. :)

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