Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wed. Weigh-in whine

Weigh-in was a little discouraging last night. I had a gain of 3/4 lb. Today is a new day! DH left for his hunting trip. He will be gone for 2 weeks. This should give me time to work hard on some kind of diet. Have you ever felt that you have dieted so much, that your body is rebelling? That is how I feel. I don't seem to be sticking to anything for very long, I am jumping from one method to another, counting calories (my most recent attempt) counting food groups, counting carbs, watching the fats, counting points. Now I have heard about a rainbow diet that a couple of my ladies in the TOPS group are being very successful on. I seem to gravitate towards the diet of whom ever I see being successful. What I need to do is pick one and stick to it. I think if I am going to stick to it, I have to see some good results fairly quickly. I need the boost of instant gratification. I think that is why I am going to do the South Beach diet for a couple of weeks while my DH is away. I have been successful on that in the past and I know I have really been a carb addict my whole life. Time to break out the South Beach books I have. You wouldn't believe the collection of diet books I have. From the looks of my bookshelf you would think I was a professional dieter. (just not a very successful one) Wish me luck, I will chronicle this two week journey and see what happens.
Project Gail begins today, I am scheduling time between 8-9 AM every day to go to Curves or Walk 3 miles. :)

1 comment:

Tracy.H said...

I am with ya, Gail! I will be checkin' in on ya. ;0)

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