Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Weigh In Wed.

Hi Gang, Well tonight was Weigh In. I lost 1 pound. I was hoping for more of course but the better news was that I was finally under the 200 mark for thei first time in a long time. It felt wonderfu. That Big Chunk on the balance scale does not have to be used anymore. Now I am shooting for 10 pound chunk of weight loss. I had never mention my actuall weight because I hated the fact that I was over 200 pounds. Not even my DH knows how ,uch I weigh. I guess I was in denial that the scale was reading that high. That I weighed that much. This is a big deal to me to finally be under that awful mark. SB diet has worked for me. I am ready to start phase two I think. At least that is what I will be doing for the next week. Slowly introducing foods back into my diet. The first being fruit. I have really missed fruit.
I am very excited about a challenge going on at my Curves. They are looking for the biggest loser over the next 6 weeks. The hardest part for me will be that my trip to Hawaii is in the middle of that. Actually it will be near the end of the six weeks. I won't be able to be at Curves the three required times that week, but I will do the best I can with the rest of the Challenge.
Hope you are all doing well. I have been so busy with classes and swaps this past three weeks, I hope to get the last of the swaps done and mailed tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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