Tuesday, October 2, 2007

update for Tuesday

I am really liking this challenge. I have increased my walking , by going to the park and walking the course there. My knee was bothering me after the long walk yesterday, so today I only walked half the distance there. I was still able to make a total of 4 miles. Good start for me, How about the rest of you?


Tami Grandi said...

Gail- just wondering- did you get your emails for this challenge- I haven't received any emails for the challenge

LosingLyn said...

Way to go with all the walking! You are way up there with our walking challenge! Hope you have a good weekend, hang in there!

LosingLyn said...

tsk I meant a good week, not weekend, oh boy, you can see Im wishing it was weekend already, apologies!

Maria said...

Hey Gail! I love the challenge too! I returned from my trip on Monday night and had to do a bit of catching up yesterday. I started on Day 3 challenge with the weights. I used a 2 lb weight. It does make a difference. Unfortunately, the weights add lbs to the load on my feet and it began to hurt a bit. I don't know if it has to do with all the walking I did in San Francisco. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the 30 minutes walk. I walked a total of 1.29 miles in the 30 min.

It's great that you are participating in the challenge. I have someone to chit-chat with about the challenges.

Looking forward to Day 4!!


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