Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wed. Weigh -in

Tonight was my weigh in at TOPS. I lost 1/2 pound. Slow but steady progress. I took a three mile walk in the park, and with that I was able to accumulate 5.4 miles today. It felt good to get that many miles in today. I have not been keeping my food chart, but will get back to it tomorrow. I am going to bed early tonight. I have been up since 4:30 this morning. I had no reason to be up that early, I just was wide awake. Good nite all.:)


Aimeslee Winans said...

Heyhey Gail, glad to see you are making some progress. I think I am going to as they say burnish in my setpoint. Just for a week or so. I need it to reset to my new weight and only way that works is to just kind of hang out and see how much my metabolism can take. WISH ME LUCK! This time I'll make sure I weigh every 3-4 days and if I start gaining, back on the wagon for me.

Maria said...

Congratulations Gail! 1/2 a lb is progress! It's an accomplishment and you should feel good about it. Keep up the great work!


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