Friday, August 31, 2007

Fri. Evening

Had a great day today. I mowed the grass and got lots of walking done with errands and such I added 4 miles to my tracker. It was the best I have done in over a week. Yipee!!
DH and I bought new mattress tonight and we get it tomorrow. We have hated the one we have and really needed a new one. Hopefully we will both sleep better now. It is deeper than the one I have. I think I will need new sheets for it. We are looking for a new bed too, but haven't seen the right one yet. I can't wait. I told hubby I was staying up all night so I could sleep on the new mattress and not another night on the one we have. LOL
Hope you all have a great evening.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Awesome Gail! 4 miles that's great.

I know what you mean about the bed. A good bed is very important. For years, we laid on a junky bed and my back always hurt in the morning. When we finally bought a new cadillac of beds, wow, I rarely have back aches anymore. It made a whole lot of difference.

Keep up the great work!

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