Thursday, August 9, 2007

my report for today

I did get to Curves today and I did a couple of stretches at the places I volunteer at. I was able to log in 2.6 miles today. We are heading to SC for our oldest grandson's 10th birthday on Sat. It is so hot and even more so in SC, So I don't know how much walking I will get in over the weekend. I am going to curves tomorrow though. That will make three times this week. A goal I have set for myself, so I am happy about that. I will have my youngest grandson here with us in the mountains, next week. I am thinking I will be able to get some good walking in with him here.
Maria wants to join in the Challenge. That is great. We didn't talk about a time frame to get the 638 miles in, but I am thinking that just getting it done will be good for me. For me this was all about motivating me to walk more. It will be pretty interesting to see how long it take and who can do it first. Let's have fun with this... Keep walking everyone. And stay cool and hydrated. Don't want anyone falling over from heat exhaustion.


Anonymous said...

You're right, I don't think we need a time frame. This was a great way to get us motivated. I'm kind of competitive so if it weren't for you challenging me I probably wouldn't keep this up for long. I was actually starting to slack on my walking before you put out that challenge. Oh yeah, I don't want any one falling out either!!!

Maria said...

I walked 2.32 miles just walking around my house yesterday. I thought it was a mistake so I watched my pedometer as I walked and it was calculating correctly. It helps that my craft room is way in the corner upstairs and the kitchen is downstair way on the other side of the house. I have a problem with not being able to keep still so I have a tendency to roam back and forth upstairs and downstairs all day.


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